The main building houses our clubroom, 25yard indoor shooting range, kitchen and office. Built in 1971, we have continuously remodelled and updated the site, particularly with the addition of wheelchair accessible toilets and ramps. In 2019 members raised money for an Automatic Emergency Defibrillator which was installed in November 2019 in partnership with the Rugeley First Responders, available for use by both the club and the local community.

Indoor Range
The indoor shooting range features an unusual mezzanine construction, providing 7 firing points on each level. The ground floor can be used for all rimfire disciplines including Prone, Standing, Kneeling, Benchrest and Free Pistol whilst the upper level is Prone-only. Rugeley hosts the Staffordshire Short Range Rifle Championships each year as the 14 firing points represent the largest indoor .22 range in the West Midlands.
The indoor range underwent significant renovation between 2013 and 2016. The target frames were refurbished with the lighting upgraded from banks of CFL bulbs to LED floodlights. The remainder of the range was subsequently boarded out, with the fluorescent strip lamps also replaced by LED floods.

Air Range
The 10m Air Range was constructed some 15years ago with four lanes of string target changers. In 2020 we became the UK showcase for Sport Quantum electronic targets. With the opening of the new Training Building to support novice airgun shooting, the Air Range is now dedicated to competition and performance training.

Please note our air ranges are configured for .177 calibre air rifles and pistols as mandated in NSRA/ISSF competition rules and we do not permit the use of .22calibre or higher powered air rifles on these ranges. Additionally, we unfortunately do not have the space to set out interesting or challenging Field Target courses on our ranges. If you are interested in FT please consider Penkridge Air Rifle Club (ST19 5RE), Far Coley FTC near Stafford (ST18 0XB) or Millride FTC near Wolverhampton (WV11 2AZ). Contact the MFTA for more information.
Training Building
Construction of the new Training Building started in 2019 with the aid of GE Collis & Sons. Interior wiring and fitout was conducted by qualified members through the winter and spring. This new building provides a multipurpose space for committee meetings; novice airgun shooting and instruction as well as providing an indoor firing point for the 50Metre Outdoor Range (an upgrade from the covered firing point there previously).

Outdoor Ranges
Rugeley has a split outdoor range providing 10 firing points over 100yards and 50metres.
The 100yd firing point provides 7 lanes for Prone shooting at 100yards, although targets can also be placed at 50metres.
The 50m firing point is located within the new training building and provides 3 lanes for shooting rifle in all three positions (Prone, Kneeling and Standing). The range also supports Benchrest and 50m Free Pistol.